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"Connection is why we're here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives."
- Brene Brown

Sound Connection is about creating transformation through self-realisation. It is about paving a sound path for what might even be our main job as human beings: grow and transform so that we can truly live up to our unique potential - for the benefit of our own happiness as well as the world we live in. This transformation is based on opening up for the present moment, where we can (re-)connect with ourselves and the world around in a deeper and more meaningful way.


To actualize your authentic self, your full potential, is only possible when you know yourself and consequently have the strength and wisdom to lead yourself in fulfilling your purpose in a sustainable and harmonious way. At Sound Connection, developing these abilities of inner leadership takes two forms: transformational coaching and sound work (aka sound yoga). The aim of both is connection and transformation for the highest good of all, but whereas coaching focuses more on the human body-mind system, sound and music are more about what lies beyond that.

Meet Anna

Meet Anna Pohjola

Transformational Coach and Sound Yogini

I am Anna Pohjola, a certified transformational coach and sound practitioner with a solid business background, passionate about helping people gain new tools for thriving in these challenging times we are living. I believe the keys to success and true happiness lie in our ability to become aware of and deeply listen to ourselves and the world around us. In other words, in our ability to create a sound connection to our true selves so that we can actually live our lives from that place, expressing our unique potential in all life's encounters.


I have personally experienced the combination of inner work and sound as a very potent path for going within and learning to deeply listen, so that I could truly open up for Life and gain a strong sense of inner leadership. Along with the process, it has become very clear that my mission, possibly even part of my life's purpose, is to use my knowledge and abilities in these realms to support also other people with their growth and transformation



Modalities of Sound Connection

Therapy Session

Transformational Coaching

Transformational coaching is a process that helps you strengthen the connection with your body, become aware of your emotional and mental constructs and slowly, with acceptance and self-compassion, let go of the patterns that are blocking the way to living your life in your full, authentic potential and enjoying all the beautiful things that come with it - vitality, clarity, creativity and serenity to name a few. It is about gently bringing your shadow to light and loving yourself unconditionally with all there is, so that you can also radiate this love and light in all your encounters in the world, connecting both with yourself and with others. This process of inner growth also brings about a sense of inner leadership - the ability to create and lead your life sovereignly with your inner wisdom and guidance.

Therapy Session

Sound and Music

Sound yoga is about coming into resonance with your innermost self with vibration and deep listening. It is about going beyond words and the limitations of the rational mind to connect with the deeper parts of yourself where the language is music and imagination. Immersing into sound, especially your own voice, creates inner space for experiencing yourself and the present moment very intimately, and helps you to ground in the steady, sustained inner stillness behind everyday reality -the home of your authentic self.






“Anna is a very empathetic, approachable and trust evoking coach. She doesn't give ready-made answers but gently guides you to finding them yourself.” 

— Milla, individual coaching client


Get in Touch

Email: anna @
Phone: +358 50 5211834

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